Found a few errors.
Grammatical mainly. im should be I'm or I am. That sort of error. That just shows lack of initiative. You really should have someone take a look at your flash before you post.
Anti-Clock. Who cares. Besides it pulls away from the Mario world. Example, Mario vs. Bowser at the beginning, why the strawberry. I just felt that if he went "superpower" it would have been a better choice to make a giga-Bowser (Super Smash Brothers Melee) to fight.
Dragon Ball Z is over used. Super Saiyan Mario was over the top. Maybe a much larger (bulky maybe) Mario would have been better. He could have become bigger by a mushroom. That would also bring the feel of the Mario games back to focus.
Besides these errors it was alright. Not my top ten list but wasn't a complete waste of time.
Good luck on your future flash productions.