good but...
the music didn't seem to fit to me, like it was cheerfull but the movie wasn't. Always have been a fan of the Dr. Shroud series. Cant wait to see the next one.
good but...
the music didn't seem to fit to me, like it was cheerfull but the movie wasn't. Always have been a fan of the Dr. Shroud series. Cant wait to see the next one.
That was great.....
That was great man, I laughed the whole time. Im adding this submission to my favorites right now. Keep up the great work.
BTW 5/5
Ok it was ok and an interesting idea. Just a few things I would like to point out:
1 The Physics of it was a little off. Sure if he is a super hero he would make a 5000ft drop and live but his board would get destroyed. Also, you must not skateboard because some of the tricks you have the guy do are not possible. Stuff like a flat land backflip while in a fakie position.
2 You could have clean the graphics up a bit more. Kind of smooth it out. Though the graphics were good, it could have been better.
3 Good choice in music. I thought it was great music for a super hero theme.
4 It would have been nice if people talked saying like "thank you ......" and stuff like that.
5 Just a thought but it would have been great (maybe in a bonus video) have like a demo for the guy. Just skating around and stuff. Nothing important to the story.
6 Some of the tricks were not preformed the way (in the real world) they were suppost to. Thought it is a cartoon, and a good one at that, you should check out some skate demos to see how they are done in reality to give your cartoon a releastic but fantasy kinda fell.
I think the movie was pretty good still could have been better. I do like this one better than the other Zelda ones you did. Keep up with the great work
kewl but........
ok im not in a great mood so im going to nitpic this alot.
1 isn't pico in gradeschool?
2 if he jumped through a window wouldn't he get cut from the glass?
3 when a zombie dies, from past zombie movies, it loses its naturaly abilities such as cell regeneration and BLOOD REGENERATION. The zombies can't bleed.
4 lawn mowers and chainsaws don't have gas or oil in them when they are on display. Plus chainsaws don't have a chain on them until you buy it and they attach one (sometimes they don't) when they are packaging it.
5 zombies don't stop attacking until they loss their head. If they are sliced in half they will keep coming (acording to zombie movies of the past).
6 (this is more just wondering) Pico didn't say anything, all he did was grunt before attacks. Though I prefer Pico not to talk due to his past shows, but if he is going to make sound at least he should have screamed something like "Die!" or "Take that!" or something else like that.
All in all it was ok.... It could have been better but the animation was at least a 7 and the violence a 8. Pico (btw) still kicks ass
That was funny. Bill Gates using Linux. HAHAHAHA
Kick @ss
WOW that was totally wicked man. I want to see another one of your. That was so kewl. Great job. The only thing I could see was it was hard to hear the people talk but still good.
what was that!?!
That was nuts. Dude what were you hitting to see that. That was great. Dude you have to make one on the rebels next.
nice to see a change around here. It was pretty funny. if you make a more could you make them longer. plz. Keep up the good work
so true......
I see this kind of crap everyday. this is so true. I gave it a 5 because I found it funny but it could have been a lot better
Just remeber, its not the guitar but the musician holding the guitar. Live Long, Rock On!
Age 39, Male
Computer Geek
Somewhere in the U.S.A
Joined on 10/20/04